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Alliance Villes Emploi – or AVE, is a national association, uniting local authorities and affiliated structures (such as the Local Employment Houses (Maisons de l’Emploi), the Local Plans for Integration and Employment – PLIE & social insertion clause facilitators). Since 1993, AVE actively convenes elected officials from municipalities and intermunicipalities, fostering collaborative efforts to shape and advance policies related to local employment, integration, and economic development.

The members of AVE are committed to several key objectives :

  • Promoting the integration of individuals distanced from the job market
  • Assisting and mobilizing businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Facilitating and coordinating employment stakeholders at the regional level.
  • Leveraging public procurement to promote inclusion and skill development

The network of local authority members in AVE serves as an information source and supports the execution of various projects at the local level.


The Maisons de l'Emploi (MDE), identify the skills needed in the local job market by working closely with local organizations involved in employment and economic development. They then implement a strategic plan and tools to manage and predict job requirements and skills at the local level. This effort contributes to the overall development of employment opportunities in the community, making it relevant and beneficial for local, regional, and international organizations.


The Local Plan for Integration and Employment (PLIE) manages the reception, sourcing, and mobilization of participants. It provides personalized support through direct actions or by collaborating with local partners. This initiative is relevant and beneficial not only for the local community but also for regional, national, and international organizations. The PLIE redistributes European funds (ESF) to local operators, who offer support actions to participants.


Public procurement can serve as a potent tool to address challenges related to the social and professional integration of individuals who are distant from the job market. A significant way in which municipalities or intermunicipal entities can contribute to the integration of residents in their areas is by activating a social integration clause within their public procurement contracts. This clause, embedded in the contract, mandates that companies awarded the contract must hire or engage service providers who employ individuals facing difficulties in the job market.

To facilitate the implementation of this clause, social clause facilitators play a crucial role in assisting contracting authorities and awarded companies. They contribute to drafting contracts and identifying advocates for eligible individuals. Our network of clause facilitators comprises 600 one distributed across 370 structures, including MDEs, PLIEs, and local authorities. This approach involves incorporating a social integration and employment promotion clause into contracts, with a focus on precisely defining specific needs before launching market consultations. This consideration encompasses sustainable development goals across economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

In 2021, the impact of the clause was substantial, resulting in 25 million hours worked, equivalent to nearly 16,000 full-time equivalent positions (FTE). On average, a facilitator, through their efforts, could generate approximately 69,000 hours of integration per year (44 FTE annually), leading to 209 employment contracts for 159 participants across 50 companies.

Breaking down the distribution of integration hours, local authorities and their Municipal Companies accounted for 44%, while housing authorities represented 17%. Of the total integration hours, 58% were attributed to construction contracts, with the remaining 41% associated with service contracts.

The entities of Economic Activity Inclusion[1] (IAE), as employers of beneficiaries of the clause, represent almost 37% of Full-Time Equivalent Positions (FTE). This comprehensive approach underscores the collaborative efforts aimed at fostering social and professional integration through public procurement practices.

[1] Economic Activity Inclusion (IAE) allows individuals who are farthest from employment due to specific social and professional difficulties (age, health status, precariousness) to benefit from enhanced support aimed at facilitating their social and professional integration through specific employment contracts. France had 3,843 structures dedicated to Economic Activity Inclusion (SIAE). These specialized structures, such as insertion workshops (1907 ACI), intermediary associations (655 AI), insertion companies (981 EI), or insertion temporary employment agencies (300 ETTI), enter into agreements with the State, enabling them to welcome and support these workers.



Between 2011 and 2013, AVE has been the coordinator of phase one of the “BUILD UP SKILLS” initiative, which aimed to identify and make an assessment, along with other partners such as ADEME, AFPA, CSTB, of specific training needed by workers and work with all the stakeholders to elaborate a strategy (BUS National Roadmap).

For instance, and as part of the BUS 1 roadmap, methodologies and tools (SDP, BTP, FIT) have been developed and tested in the Hauts-de-France Region by ADEME and AVE, along with the participation and support of local and regional stakeholders (MDEs, training centers, professional organizations…), to meet locally some of the needs of SMEs and renovation works’ customers.

FIT- Formation Intégrée au Travail (onsite training): the FIT 2.0 project allows on-site training for white and blue collars working on building and construction through mobile platforms.

Bâtis Ton Projet (BTP): aims at sourcing candidates for training and jobs in the construction industry. The method is based on a mobile tool designed by Practee, which aims to give appetence and evaluate competencies for the building trades. BTP is currently being implemented by the Employment Houses in different territories of Hauts de France region.

AVE was also leading the consortium of the European project BIMplement (2017- 2020), which aimed to achieve an improved quality for nZEB construction and renovation by setting up large-scale training, Continuous Professional Development, and BIM-enhanced qualification schemes, addressing the entire value chain in a cross-trade and cross-level multidisciplinary approach, strengthened with hands-on and BIM enhanced workplace learning tools.

AVE took also part of the H2020 project BUSleague. The overall aim of BUSLeague is to address and overcome the challenges of the stimulation of demand for energy skilled workforce (demand side), along with the hands-on capacity building to increase the number of skilled workforces across the building design, operation, and maintenance value chain (supply side). BUSLeague focuses on a blend of four elements: mutual recognition of energy skills, awareness raising, capacity building and legislative changes.

AVE, in partnership with ADEME, spearheads the BUILD UP SKILLS 2 (BUS2) project, a collaborative initiative launched in 2021 by the European Commission through its Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment (CINEA) in conjunction with the LIFE program. This project, running from November 2022 to April 30, 2024, is dedicated to assessing and enhancing the skills of professionals in the building sector to meet the challenges of the energy transition by 2030.


In collaboration with ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), AVE is actively addressing ecological transition challenges by anticipating and comprehending local employment and training needs. This strategic partnership aims addressing ecological transition challenges, fostering collaboration between national frameworks and local realities.

The collaboration's history includes the "Maisons de l’Emploi et développement durable" project (2008-2016), involving over 40 territories nationwide. A guide has been published with the best practices and the detail of more than 600 actions deployed in the participating territories.

The ADEME/AVE partnership, spanning from 2021 to 2023, focused, among others, on detecting skills shortages in environmental public policy. The collaboration aims to align national impulse with local implementation, emphasizing stakeholder engagement. AVE's approach includes a comprehensive survey, a national working group, active participation in relevant bodies, and dedicated events to disseminate analyses. The collaboration's outcomes, highlights identified skills shortages and the proposed local solutions.

Since 2015, ADEME and AVE have collaborated on a tool called Prospective Dialogue Support (SDP), which allows stakeholders to discuss market dynamics and anticipate up-skilling scenarios over five years. The main goal of SDP is to predict the up-skilling needs in the construction industry for planned energy retrofits over the next 5 years.

It was initially tested in the Plaine Commune territory (Paris region) and later implemented in the Cambrésis territory (North of France) with the local Employment House and ADEME's regional offices. The European Metropolis of Lille has taken on the SDP project and is set to deploy it from late 2022. AVE is offering operational and methodological advice to stakeholders, facilitating connections, and sharing experiences with the Pays du Cambrésis, while co-facilitating steering committees.



Sustainable development & Europe Project Officer

Alliance Villes Emploi


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